undeRtale css test
Test heading 1
This is some text
This is some text, except more spaced out
Test heading 2
This is ut-link without an a tag
To get the above effect without the hover thing, use ut-orange
To get the above effect with the hover thing on permanently, use ut-yellow
To get the genocide posession text color, use ut-chara
To make text bigger, use ut-heading
The current spacing is using ut-menu
To get the more spaced out text, use ut-dialogue
To get this font by itself, use ut-stats
To get this font by itself (a slightly more filled-in version of the above), use ut-stats-full
To get this font by itself, use ut-action
To get this font by itself, use ut-damage (999999)
To get the title background font by itself, use ut-title-basic-back
To get the title foreground font by itself, use ut-title-basic-fore
Stuff this is missing
- The font used by monsters in combat dialogue is premium and must be paid for by each user. As this would create a webpage style difference in otherwise fuly-compatible browsers, I have elected to not include it.
- The font used by "HP" on the battle screen
- Chocolate