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featured songs

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The Trick To Life, by The Hoosiers [16/04/2024-PRESENT]

you'd kill for answers but learn how to live with questions / "who" "what" "why" "how" and "if"

when i put my music on shuffle this was the first song that came on that i liked, since i was working on my new landing page it was a spur of the moment decision, haha.

it occured to me later that this happens to be the second song i pick that's the title song of its album, which i thought was a fun observation

i'll sit back detached, tear out your hair / oh, but on the contrary!

the album cover for The Trick To Life, by The Hoosiers
Coordinate Shift, by Ferry [09/04/2024-20/04/2024]

flesh should not lie flat / one step can't cover seven steps

nothing much to be said here, another Ferry song, this one also a newer one. its lyrics are quite arresting!

it overlaps with my next featured song 'cause for a brief window of time i had two index pages with different featured songs!

where gardens once unwrapped / was there a place like that?

a GIF of the SynthV song Coordinate Shift
Watch As I Perform My Own Tracheotomy, by Talkshow Boy [12/03/2024-09/04/2024]

i pay attention to the radio (yeah?) / i lick buzzwords off talk-back radio!

the title track of the album, i mostly picked this cause i wanted to put in lyrics referencing games in honour of my new games subpage. i've loved TSB for years and he's one of my favourite artists ever!

i pay attention to the game show Q&A / and crosswords to expand my vocabulary!

the album art for WAIPMOT the tracklist for WAIPMOT
100 EPITAPHS (NOV 2023), by Ferry ft. vflower [01/01/2024-12/03/2024]


after an extended hiatus due to a variety of personal reasons, vocaloid producer Ferry released the (at time of writing) newest installment of her narrative song series Parties Are For Losers. as a long time fan, this was, to put it lightly, REALLY FUCKIN EXCITING!!!!!!! the fact that it used my favourite vocaloid was just another bonus


featured art

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The Sun (1911), oil on canvas. By Edvard Munch (1863-1944) [05/01/2024-PRESENT]

did you know this is the 😱 guy? yeah, i didn't, not until i looked up this painting so i could get a high quality picture to put on here. there's something about the fludity with which munch draws and the way he utilises colour that makes it incredibly compelling to look at. i can't even imagine what it would be like to see the sun in person, painted as a mural that takes up half a wall.

funnily enough, i came across this on tumblr, where i immediately saved it in my "me" tag. i don't see the "masculine dominance" that the website i linked to mentions exists in the painting. indeed, to me this is the epitome of ungendered brilliance. it is, as the short write up goes on to say, God. one need only think of a halo to understand the resemblance

you may notice i've written the date of creation as 1911, on the off chance that you happen to be an edvard munch expert, please let me know if this is accurate, lol. the site i link to has it as 1909, but almost every other one i've come across has it as 1911