Following the tales of a group of five (plus one) self-styled adventurers - each with their own reasons to stay with the others - in Misona, a small planet teeming with magic and still recovering from the devastating impact of an interspecies war that ended half a millennium ago. A story about personhood and its construction through experience, of enduring relationships through harrowing loss, and of the things we do (and don't do) for the sake of protection. It is also, fundamentally, about a group of friends fucking around and finding out.
This story is continuously evolving and may be subject to frequent retcons, as lore develops organically through discussion and old art may not accurately reflect current appearances. There is also no central "plot" to speak of, though Cloudy has some animations uploaded on their tiktok.
Want to learn about the main characters and species on Misona? Then read on ahead! If you want to learn about the history of Misona and read about side characters then go to this page!
BLUH BLUH PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION!! if you want a taste of how this page is supposed to read skip ahead to the human section!
Bound by circumstance, affection, and ties deeper than they know, our adventurers generally carry on their day to day lives in a partially hidden house in the forest, found and renovated by 204 and Cloudy.
pronouns:- they/them ## associated colour:-The leader and oldest by far, the creatively called Cloudy can do many things, including repairing equipment and opening gateways to other worlds through.. uh.. unique methods.
- smiley
- former member of the cloud tribe, no they don't want to talk about it
- those little cloud things that surround 'em? they're semi sentient satellites that cloudy can briefly turn into tools. they were named puff and wisp by moss
pronouns:- he/him // associated colour:-[NO CONTENT]

- cloudy's creation
- a soul in a mechanical body
- a creature of chaos
- keeps breaking his FUCKIKG SCREEN
- keeps breaking shit knowing that cloudy is gonna fix it anyway
- low-key an asshole
- used to live in an old coffee pot
- speaks in shapes and colours, no i don't know how that works
pronouns:- she/her ~~ associated colour:-a pretty kitty who keeps a level head, explodes things with her old and weathered staff

- used to be a wizard's familiar but ran away because he was awful, stealing his staff on the way out
- quiet and tired of your shit, but can pack one hell of a punch when needed
- short.... tempered
pronouns:- any/all ** associated colour:-
- looks like teenage mothman, actual age unknown
- can i copy your
homeworkgender? sure but change it a little so it's not obvious - :}
- sweaters forever
- goes around with a eternally handy backpack
- has some rudimentary personal pocket dimension magic, gets better at it once they meet moon
- literally god's favourite
- herald of democracy
- who the hell is this "aang" character you keep talking about
Moss is a cheerful, energetic person who enjoys spending time with their friends and reading novels. They like to be helpful and often carry a backpack around with all sorts of unexpected and useful items!
pronouns:- he/him }{ associated colour:-endearingly silly and much more exuberant over text, Ralph wields a scythe in stereotypical skeleton fashion. a novice bounty hunter who meets the gang through following a hit put on one of them
- can summon a murder of crows
- covered in shiny trinkets
- can put on an intimidating show, but truly soft at heart
- cares very much for his crows and spends his bounties almost exclusively on them
MOON (<3 <3 <3 <3)
pronouns:- she/they ~~ associated colour:-gorgeously elegant and stunningly beautiful, Moon is a disaffected selkie princess who frequently joins in on the gang's adventures
- her umbrella works in reverse, gently misting her so she stays moist
- frequently runs away from home to join in on the gang's shenangians
- gorgeous
- seal skin takes the form of a trenchcoat
- gracefully warps space to devastating effect in battle, in a matter akin to teleportation
- literally god's favourite's favourite
Moon isn't actually an official member of the group (not that the group in itself is all that official) but hangs around enough that she might as well be part of the gang. She's a selkie princess and frequently runs away to stay with the adventurers, sometimes for a few days at a time. Despite what this may seem, she's actually very responsible and
Misona's a small planet, but it still has many species, each with their own customs and place in the world. Alliances and rifts form and break between groups as allegiances shift over time, but, as always, there are always exceptions.
KNOWN CLIEARCHS: CLOUDY; NIMBUS; DESS;Responsible for keeping the water cycle in check and ensuring consistency and moderation in rain levels, cliearchs are strict and methodical, their bodies composed entirely of clouds and their society ruled over by a council. Considered haughty and dangerous by the land-dwelling species, they have exceptionally long lifespans and are impossible to kill except by specially appointed executioners in intercommunity trials.
KNOWN LUNAGI: MOSS;Natively speaking in clicks and trills, the Lunagi are moth people and possess large amounts of latent magic. terrifying warriors when they put their mind to it, but frighteningly fragile. Their deepest forms of magic - memory manipulation - were entrusted to the Cliearchs as a gesture of trust and a preservation tactic. They had a strong scholarly tradition but unfortunately most of their literature is nowhere to be found; what remains is next to impossible to translate.
Insecure and insular, most human communities are tightly knit and extremely hostile to outsiders, particularly those of obvious non-human appearance. Illiaries are mostly kept within human settlements, except for escapees and (rarely) freed individuals.
Humans live in loosely interconnected settlements, much like the lunagi, but have a centralised royal family that represent humans in interspecies meetings and rule from the capital. This family can clearly trace its lineage back to before the war, though their influence has declined somewhat in recent times, with the onset of modernity and the increasing importance of the learned class (scholars, wizards, etc.). Aside from illiaries, who are kept as slaves and familiars, no nonhuman is allowed within the bounds of a human settlement. Those who can disguise themselves as human get access to very lucrative smuggling opportunities, as humans are the most technologically advanced species on Misona, and there are many who pay handsomely for technology from the "inside".
While technology plays a big part in the day to day life of humans, magic users are also fairly common. They tend to be viewed with some suspicion, due to magic's association with nonhumans, but wizards are still revered in society and treated with respect.
For as long as there have been humans, there have been humans dropping in from other worlds. It is not understood why only humans are transported from other worlds, though occasionally Misonian humans also disappear, presumeably to those same worlds. The process of integrating them and any technology they have on them into society has been highly systemised, and is widely considered the reason why humans are so technologically advanced.
To be a fully fledged wizard, one has to attend advanced magic universities and pass rigorous exams, which are administered and graded by a circle of elders. There are many specialisations for an aspiring wizard-in-training, but throughout all disciplines is an entitlement to an illiary familiar, as well as the right to take on apprentices if desired.
Certain coastal factions of humans have extensive experience in voyaging and traversing the oceans, tending to have more friendly relations with the citizens of the underwater kingdom of Closea.
- Fortunetelling:
- Innate magic ability varies in humans as much as physical strength, seemingly with no regard to gender or race. However, it is widely agreed on that humans are naturally gifted at fortunetelling and forseeing the future, though their over-reliance on it can be detrimental. For instance, it is held in consensus among historians that humans' over-reliance on fortunetelling was a major reason for their losing the war.
- Technological Integration:
- The way humans develop their technology is complex and not widely understood, but it is undeniable that they have most of the best technology on the planet. Their advances have mostly been in communicative technology and non-magical medicine.
- Poor Senses:
- At least compared to other species, most of whom can see in the dark and tend to have better balance and coordination than humans. This too may have its advantages, however, as humans are less sensitive to unoptimal living conditions and have more tolerance.
Responsible for the maintenance and groundskeeping of large swathes of land, skeletal creatures known as Ostelles tend to the soil and are created and maintained in turn by a council of Deostons.
Also known as the undersea kingdom despite its aristocracy mostly living on land, Closea is a wide-spanning kingdom that rivals the human settlements in terms of raw numbers of citizens. While average civilians all live exclusively in the water, the upper class is marked by the ability to shapeshift from seals to humans and tend to live semi-aquatic lives on secret islands or sequestered underwater caves.